We empower local partners to build the skills, systems and institutions that underpin democracies founded on human rights and inclusion—that are representative, accountable and effective.
By helping lay this foundation, we catalyze inclusive economic growth, social development community resilience and stabilization.
Our experience spans environments affected by conflict, state fragility, corruption, criminal violence and violent extremism, as well as emerging or consolidating democracies. We work across the program cycle from assessments and strategies to program design and implementation, to monitoring, evaluation and learning. Recognizing that both the demand and supply for good governance is necessary to provide responsive services and manage divisions in society, our approach at the tactical level places a premium on engagement between citizens and their government. We focus on:
- Democracy, human rights, and governance analytics and training
- Public sector management and decentralization.
- Civil society.
- Cross-sectoral integration, incorporating political and governance dimensions into work in other sectors.
Analytics and Training
For development programs to be effective, they must be grounded in nuanced and practical understandings of the political-economic contexts within which government and civic institutions operate.
Civil Society
We strengthen civil society to facilitate citizens’ voices, to monitor governments and hold them accountable, and to improve access and quality of service provision
Public Sector Management and Decentralization
We are advancing public sector management and decentralization by combining extensive experience with research and tools to bring effective services and approaches to our work.